Hello, my name is Jim Cyr (pronounced like seer). I would like to help you experience God’s love, listen to God’s voice, and become the person God created you to be. I am a spiritual director. I help direct your attention to God in the middle of your busy, chaotic life.
I call what I do “Three Listen.” In order to help you experience God’s love, listen to God’s voice, and become the person God created you to be, I listen with my heart to your heart as your heart listens to God’s heart.
In this space I will share what I am learning about God through my own experience of God and through the reflections, stories and prayers of others who have experienced God.
God is the Mystery whose depths are unknowable. Yet, this unfathomable Mystery invites us to seek her, and in seeking her she will find us and, little by little, as we are ready, she will reveal herself to us as the great Mystery of love in whom we live and move and have our being.
Welcome to Three Listen! To learn more about spiritual direction, check out my website: www.threelisten.com.