
Forgiveness, We All Need It

An unkind word,

a needed kindness withheld,

silence in the face of injustice,

bitterness harbored toward someone who has hurt you,

taking more than we need,

denigrating someone whose political views we disagree with.

We all have said or done things that we need forgiveness for.

We all have not said or not done things that we need forgiveness for.

In need of forgiveness? Let’s talk about it. You can reach me at

Why Would God love ME?

God loves you because God chose to bring you into being.
You are a unique expression of God in the world.
You are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26).
God cannot help loving you.
God has your picture on God’s refrigerator! 😊
Unsure that God loves you? Let’s talk. You can reach me at

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