
The Call of Love

If you listen,
you’ll hear the call of Love
ringing out through each moment of time
in everything you see and touch.
Love Prayers from Rumi & other Sufi Mystics
edited by Devon Holcombe
The call of Love is ringing out.
The call of Love is ringing out to you.
The call of Love is ringing out to you calling your name.
The call of Love is ringing out to you calling your name, inviting you to Love’s Feast.
Will you eat at Love’s table laden with compassion?
Will you eat at Love’s table laden with compassion for you?
Will you eat at Love’s table laden with compassion for you and those not yet feasting?
The un-housed, the worn-torn, the immigrant, the aging and lonely, the incarcerated, the poor affected by climate change?
Love’s call is ringing out through each moment and in everything we see and touch.
Do you hear it?

Why Would God love ME?

God loves you because God chose to bring you into being.
You are a unique expression of God in the world.
You are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26).
God cannot help loving you.
God has your picture on God’s refrigerator! 😊
Unsure that God loves you? Let’s talk. You can reach me at

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